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Training With Cadres Posyandu Performance


Success is determined by the performance of posyandu cadres are also membersof the
founding of the family welfare As well as training conducted by the place of welfare development
of the family. The province of Lampung there are some 22.250 posyandu cadres spread in some
regency in Central Lampung are 492. Research aims to understand raining relations with the
performance of Posyandu Cadres in health center area of Seputih Surabaya Central Lampung
Regency on 2015.
In which the design is used in research analitik by using the approach cross sectional the kind
of research used in this research namely kuantitatif the sample collection in doing by using the
method purposive sampling. In this research all sample posyandu cadres and it has been given
training that is as many as 144 posyandu cadres.
The analysis result of univariat posyandu cadres in get training there are not great for follow
the training posyandu cadres cadres as many as 88 (61.1%) cadres and known to a less well the
performance of some 82 posyandu cadres(58.9%). The analysis result in bivariat get from 56
posyandu cadres there is good training as many as 35 (62.5%) cadres with the performance of good
and 21 (37.5%) cadres that less than satisfactory performance while than 88 posyandu cadres there
are training cadres that is not good as many as 27 (30.7% ) with a good and 61 (69.3%) cadres.
Training relations with the performance of posyandu cadres in health center area of Seputih
Surabaya Central Lampung regency on 2015. P-value = 0,000 with POR 3,765 (1,859-7,626). Is
expected to optimize routine training activities and alternately to training relations with the
performance of Posyandu cadres in health center area of Seputih Surabaya Central Lampung
regency on 2015.





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